especially Bernanke and not to forgot Geithner and last but not least expert Krugman. That they have to suffer under their own decisions. Guess Obama on Medicare or the like. Wouldn’t it be wonderful? Well that will not happen. If the retire they will with something above 10000-20000 Dollar each month. And if Obama follows the “presidential” path, he well charge you without beeing ashamed a bit 50000 US-Dollar for each speack. Where he will “describe” the world, and enough big money holders will be stupid enough to hire them. Another interesting finding would be to find the children of them in the public schools. Have you ever dared to ask where the childrens of this “highly respected” persons are going? Or can you imagine an president waiting a few hours till a doctor comes looking after them? Or even simpler, can you imagine anyone from the family having to shop themselves? I bet if the Obamos go shopping the whole warehouse is closed down, a few dozen bodyguards and policemen will stand in the front of that house and “inspect” everyone entering that warehouse. One even can imageine a descreet question to the secret services about the sales-persons. This is really “comfortable”, they live in a shell. Which has not much to do with reality of anyone else. Then one surely can talk about great visions and even better so because you know whom to give the invoice. Yes, we need of course this and that and because of “whatever” we have to higher this tax so much, have an extra fee for that.
Indeed you are really stupid to be a criminal better you be a politician. It will be more profitable and you get admiration and bootlickers and if you live out your sexual desires you just have to look like a sausage dog and tell how terrible sorry you are and the people are goony enough to say. Oh this poor little president, let’s vote for him again.
Do you feel I’m mad about our Deledefs?