suprise suprise

I wrote about the debt race. And how the US and EU battle hard to win this break down.

Now with endless greedy greek Politicians according to “yet another not working fu…. plan” (yanwfp). The EU throw out new well once good money which one can not tell really good any more.
But who cares that it’s illegal who cares that it’s against the own given laws. And still the inevitable will not be unstopped.

Now in the US one state will have to close:

As usual no party is guilty of it. And still they all have agreed upon piling up debts. So in fact none of them is guilty ALONE. They all are guilty. And still they do not have to go to jail. (because of harming everyone lvining in Minessota) no they still are in charge and I guess they will get paid as soon as they re-open their state.

I can not tell any more how fed up I’m of this criminals…. Why the hell have the US the largest prisons and still such thugs as “elits”?

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