it’s time for a change in the US (amont every other developed country in the world)
Ain’t you Americans so proud of “law and order”?
Now tell me why don’t you stand up for law and just stick ot order(s)? Why are you not standing up for your freedom?
Think about it you have voted for democrats or republicans for ages. Does it have done any good for you?
If the answer is no, wouldn’t it be time to change your voting habits? As I remember you can vote every 5 years or so. It does not matter
how worse your current president is, You always can get rid of them. Wouldn’t it be time to get rid of Obama and all this deledefs?
Why not give Ron Paul a chance. He stands at least for the constitution and civil rights. Wouldn’t that be an option one could try?
And it’s highest time to take back your money from your deledefs. So how about a new gold backed Dollar? Think about it. Would the banks be bailed out
for “real” value? If the answer is no, why do you still believe in paper money?
So I don’t know what you think but I think yes it’s time for a change…