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Tag Archives: central banks
Don’t say you have not been warned
I wrote against it since the start of this blog. I warned of Obama, I warned of Trump and Clinton. I was totally against any bail-in, any bail-out. any EU support for countries in financial problems. I warned about the … Continue reading
Posted in election, Lies
Tagged central banks, clinton, Debts, distress, misery, Obama, trump
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Over and over and over again
I warned (see http://fdominicus.freecapitalists.org/?s=central+bank) and other liberal – minded people (liberal in the old fashioned European sense), that central bank are part of the problem never part of the solution. And here you get some other support for that: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-27/bridgewater-calculates-how-much-time-central-banks-have-left … Continue reading
Another lie
in the endless runs of lies: Bulgaria Tries To Contain Ban Run Well fractional reserve, is another word for guaranteed theft, and guess what the EU does? Exactly the send money down the road: http://www.n-tv.de/wirtschaft/EU-pumpt-Milliarden-nach-Bulgarien-article13119776.html (the link in in German) … Continue reading
Very justified question
http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2014-02-04/anyone-really-surprised-system-brink-again Well I wrote here over an over again it’s not the question if, but only when. Unsustainable system must crash, sooner or later. Nothing can prevent that. I’m still not sure if the break-down is just around the corner … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged break-down, central banks, changes?, Debts, defraud, deledefs, money printing
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That’s true
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-12-07/guest-post-state-causes-poverty-it-later-claims-solve Indeed the paper “money” system is at it core unjust. I always allows states which do have overall the hightest debts world-wide to pretent that they “own” more then they really have. States to not have to save to … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged bankrupt, central banks, fiat-money, states, taxes, theft
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Here we go
again. The successes after the errection of the FED http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-09-16/25-fast-facts-about-federal-reserve Well yes I know, most of you know, but unfortunatly too less see the truth in that.
How comes I’m not surprised?
Two entries on the zerohedge log: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-01-12/guest-post-social-security-system-already-broke and one that leads me to: http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2013-01-13/ceo-german-multinational-costs-monetary-are-union-too-high That’s the difference between states and firms. States to make firms suffer and firms have to see how to get out of it with their own … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged central banks, corruption, Debts, deledefs, lies, stealing, worthless money
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It’s just show time
well or you can name is political theatre time. If it wouldn’t be so serious one could sit back and enjoy the show. Anyway the US democrats and republicans will simply raise the debt barrier again and so the so … Continue reading
Posted in Bueraucracy, Delebets, Lies
Tagged central banks, Debts, defraud, deledefs, lies, politicians, printing money, stealing, worthless money
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Just give it a name
the disaster can be subsumed under one small sentence. The problems are there because of the monopolies of states. In this case the monopoly of currencies. The FED , ECB etc, do just get their position because the state sanctioned … Continue reading
There are debts, debts and debts
Not all debts are born equal. And even those being born equal may change over time. You can bet it’s another round about Greece. So yes Greece has emitted bonds. (so for so bad). Now it’s getting a bit crazy. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged central banks, debts and debts, end big government, end central banks
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