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- Frustrierend – erhebend | Beim nächsten Geld wird alles anders on My predictions
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Tag Archives: deceiption
von Mises run
well yes there are no good news. There are currently just bad and worse news. Now it’s the spanish banks, another 100 billion. I wonder from where that money comes. And you know the answer. It comes from new debts … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged "experts", "political solutions", abhorrent, addiction, bad idea, Bailout, bankrupt reloaded, banks, bastard, betrayal, beyond markets, big lies, bribe money, corruption, deceiption, deledefs, depletion, road to hell, saving banks, the trouble with debts, times are changing, voodo economy, when comes the end, wishful thinking, worthless money
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Another small look back
http://fdominicus.blogspot.com/2008/10/they-raided-successfully.html Has anything changed or was I right on the point? In fact the debt have risen more then 6 trillions. In just 3 years. And still the same bandits are riding and driving more and more into poverty. Is … Continue reading
I guess I found it
The national anthem of all deledefs. Go here and here: The “King” of Pop for the Kings of debt, defraud deception. It fits and I think it should be made obligatory to be sung before any new meeting to save … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged bigbrother, deceiption, deledefs, lies, national anthem
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Extension to
my blog entry a few days ago, about the sustainability of the ESFS. Fact 1) the “auctions” were bad. And the ESFS has to offer much more interest then Germany bonds alone (guess how many would “back” up this bonds) … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged criminals, deceiption, deledefs, ESFS, Extension, lies
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A view on different taxes
especially in regard to the situation in Greece. Well my opinion about taxes it that they are theft in any case, It’s not a deal you may make or may not do. You live in country X the “authorities” from … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged black-mail, deceiption, deledefs, greece, income tax, property rights, stealing, tax
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One of those days
where neithe the sun warms nor the wind cools. It’s one of thos days grey-in-grey my photo cells on the roof deliver energy just enough energy for one 40 W bulb. In best times I can get over 5000 W … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged deceiption, deledefs, energy, green energy, lies, prices, stupidity, subsedies
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Saving the delebets way does not mean cut one’s expenses but highering ones income. Now this time it Italy. A higher tax for the rich, a higher tax on capital gains etc, but not mentioning cutting down the expenses FIRST. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged BPOH, debt, deceiption, defraud, deledefs, free trade, lies, saving the "states" way, stealing
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Without doubt
A lot of money vanished yesterday. I guess we’re talking about values at or around 2-10 trillions. How will that be changed if the EZB has bought bonds from Italy and Spain at or around 5-6 billion? Without doubt, we … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged bancruptcy, danger, deceiption, deledefs, EU, FUD?, lies, madness, US-$
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Reading suggestion II
Do yourself a favor and run to the next library and buy or borrow. “The case for Gold”. You can see how nice big government and big money play together to harm everyone else. You can see the history of … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged damn lies, deceiption, deledefs, lies, unsustainability
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